SYSTRONIC one chamber stencil cleaning machine
Systronic CL420 stencil cleaning machine
The SYSTRONIC CL420 Stencil cleaner is - compared with the smaller cl410 model - upgraded with an extra tank with separate pump, tank and filter.
That is why CL 420 stencil cleaner do both stencil cleaning, stencil rinsing and stencil drying - all in one chamber. The Stencil cleaner cl420 is also used to clean squeegee blades and misprints.
A CL420 stencil cleaning system is a part of the SYSTRONIC stencil cleaning machinery range, and it is made for companies that need to clean up to 20 stencils a day.
- Suited for cleaning stencils & squeegee blades for PCB assembly
About SYSTRONIC cl420 stencil cleaning machine
SYSTRONIC CL420 is made for cleaning solder paste from stencils, squeegee blades and misprints.
- Single chamber: 1 Stencil / frame- Usable chamber size: 800 x 800 x 40 mm
Chemistry: pH-neutral or alcaline / DI-water
Tank size: 2 x 75 liter - a closed loop system
- upgradable to a PCB cleaner -
Process time: approx. 20 min.
Throughput : 65 cycles / day
Machine size: L 910 x W 1.405 x H 1.825 mm
Machine weight: approx. 350 kg
SYSTRONIC CL420 needs stencil cleaning detergent. See the systronic cleaning chemistry here:
Sys-clean STC1.0
SYS-clean STC2.0 - ready to use
SYS-clean STC2.0 - concentrate

Systronic CL420 datasheet
Download Systronic CL 420 datasheet | Systronic has gathered data and info om SYSTRONIC cl 420 stencil cleaner system on this datasheet. Take a closer look to see if this one chamber stencil and squeegee cleaning system is for you.
Systronic CL420 presentation
See the informative CL420 stencil cleaner video | Julian from SYSTRONIC shares informative insights on how the SYSTRONIC cl 420 stencil cleaner system works and how easy it is to do maintenance on the CL420 stencil cleaner.

Systronic CL420 price or more info?
We can answer your questions | Do you need a price on the SYSTRONIC CL420 stencil cleaning machine or do you have any questions about stencil cleaning systems in general - please just ask.