What is AOI?
AMF Auto Mount Feedback
AOI Automated Optical Inspection
Automatic X-ray inspection
BGA Ball Grid Array - a type of SMD
What does CPH stand for?
CPH Components Per Hour
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic interference
EMT Electronic Manufacturing Technology
What does EMS mean?
EMS Electronic Manufacturing Service
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
FOV Field of view
LCR Inductor, Capacitor & Resistor
Pin Grid Array
PTH Plated Through Hole
What is a PCB?
PCB Printed Circuit Board
Printed Circuit Board Assembled
PWB Printed Wiring Board
P&P Pick & Place machines for SMD mounting
What does OEM mean?
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
SIR Surface Insulation Resistance
SMA Surface-mount assembly (module assembled with SMT)
SMC Surface-mount components (components for SMT)
SMD Surface Mount Devices
SME Surface-mount equipment (SMT assembling machines)
SMEMA Surface Mount Equipment Manufacturers Association
What does SMT mean?
SMT Surface Mount Technology
SMP Surface-mount packages (SMD case forms)
SOJ Small Outline J-leaded
SOT Small Outline Transistor
THT Through Hole Technology (used in connection with soldering)