PCB unloader single magazine
Nutek unloader with a single magazine
This single PCB unloader conveyor collect boards in magazine when they comes from upstream machine. The Nutek magazine unloader will typically pull the board from reflow oven or after inspection in the AOI machine.
This Nutek unloader is a magazine based unloader. This conveyor is a PCB single magazine unloader.
- Magazine based unloader
About Nutek unloader with a single magazine
The Nutek NTM 710U single unloader comes with:
Placed manually on the platform is the magazine that is clamped in position.
The platform is flexible is suited standard magazines.
Exchange magazine from the rear of the machine.
Inlet with stopper to control PCB flow from upstream reflow oven.
Conveyor width is adjustment with hand crank.
Regulated pressure of pneumatic with pusher.
Towerlight that display for machine status.
Selectable pitch settings.
CE certified.
Download all specifications for all 3 versions of the NUTEK710U models in the spec sheet download below.
Options single unloader conveyor:
Touchscreen display
Alarm buzzer
Conveyor width adjustment:
- option 1: Electrical
- option 2: Automatic
Magazine loading from the front-side
Hybrid magazine
Pusher buttons at ratio 1:2 to conveyor width
Other options are available on request

Nutek unloader product flyer
Download the Nutek NTM 710U flyer with the 3 versions of the single magazine unloads. You also find all specifications, options and features.

Nutek PCB unloader price or more info?
Do you want the price on this Nutek unloader with one magazine or do you have questions about this PCB unloader conveyor? Please contact us.