YAMAHA SMT machine to machine collaboration
YAMAHA SMT M2M collaboration linking the SMT line
YAMAHA SMT machine to machine collaboration
Benefit by between machines collaboration to access quality assurance due to intelligent machine to machine collaboration tools in the YAMAHA YsUP software package offers.
The YAMAHA YsUP Machine to Machine software is a part of YAMAHA SMT's new software platform.

Automatic job change-over
Setup to a new job in one swift motion with automatic change-over for tooling, programs, setup and conveyor width with the APOC function (Auto Program Change-Over).
Also available is the SEMI SMT-ELS's Immediate product change. Get in touch for more information.
Feedback & correction
M2M Screen Printer ↔ SPI
Even the smallest solder print displacements errors can create huge challenges further down the PCB assembly line. The Solder Paste Inspection SPI results can be fed back to the printer to automatically adjust to correct solder print placements.
Also, the SPI unit can request stencil cleaning operation on the Screen Printer when needed.
On the picture you see a 008004" (0201 mm) printing displacements error
before and after correction by SPI feedback to Screen Printer.

Pass or fail judgement on mobile
M2M Mounter ↔ AOI
Make 'pass or fail' judgement based on AOI inspection to 'pass or fail' potential issues found by on your PCB's on the spot.
All potential issues found by AOI inspection are sent to the operator’s mobile device in real time. Making it possible to make 'pass or fail' decisions while e.g., setting up feeders for a new job or simply fetching a cup of coffee.
Feedback & correction
M2M Mounter ↔ AOI
The Quality Assurance tool is a smart AOI function, that pinpoints exactly the head on the mounter placing the component that is shifted or in another way triggered an issue result.
The Quality Assurance tool software shows the operator the NG issue message, and enable him to check actual images from the Pick & Place unit of:
pick-up state
pick-up position
mounting position
To pinpoint the issue origin & gain the knowledge to fix the issue in real-time.

Simultaneously display the same
PCB point in each process
Process collaboration M2M
Swiftly pinpoint SMT process where an NG issue occur, by seeing images of the component status throughout the production simultaneously.
Images that display the status in the following processes:
SPI solder paste
P&P mounting position + component recognition
AOI before reflow + after reflow
Pinpointing the NG point - to correct the issue right away - that is the smart and efficient way to perform quality improvement inline during production.
M2M workflow video
See the video presentation of the YAMAHA machine to machine workflow between the YAMAHA SMT equipment and the YAMAHA M2M software.
Questions about the YsUP Machine2Machine collaboration package
We assist you personally with prices and more information