SMT assembly line machinery
For efficient and accurate PCB assembly you need a modern SMT assembly line

A typical modern SMT assembly line is used in OEM and EMS companies all over the world.
SMT assembly line machinery tasks explained
Main tasks performed automatically in a modern SMT assembly line
4) Solder Print Inspection
Solder Paste inspection (SPI) checks the printed solder paste before mounting the SMD
5) Component mounting
Pick & Place machines place SMD on the solder paste printed on the PCB
6) Mounting inspection
AOI inspection makes a visual control of accuracy of the mounted components
7) Soldering
Solders the mounted components and other devises in a reflow soldering oven
8) Soldering inspection
Inspection of the soldered PCB is performed with 2D x-ray inspection or visual inspection by AOI or microscopic inspection.
SMT assembly line software
Simultaneously with the complete SMT line production the SMT line software tracks, shares data in-between units, ERP and storage software - all SMT software serve to support a smooth running PCB assembly production line.
For most electronics companies the SMT software kicks in at incoming material station, follows on to the traceability marking that allows the company to follow the final product for years to come.